Descriptions show suggested age guidelines, however, children are evaluated and placed individually.
Through its non-profit partner, CityDance, Inc., City Dance and Music provides multiple opportunities for children & teens to perform out-side of regularly scheduled recitals.
Students 8-18 may audition to join a performance group as a member of our guild.
Early Childhood Division
Classes for children ages 3-7
Level A1/"Me & You" Pre-Ballet (no sessions Fall 2024) – A pre-school dance awakening class for potty-trained children for at least 2 ½ years, introducing young children to movement and music through dance, tumbling percussion, and imaginative play. Accompanying adult required. Recommended one class per week.
Pre-Ballet Level A – A pre-ballet class for children ages 4+ that will introduce children to more formalized movement and initial ballet postures using organized play. The class meets once weekly.
Pre-Ballet Level B/C – A pre-ballet class for children at least 5 -7 years of age that introduces the structure of the primary ballet curriculum. Now is the time to learn to do everything with a little more care but with just as much enjoyment. The class meets once weekly.
Early Creative Movement- A fun class for students who want to explore various styles of dance, including, creative dance, Hip-Hop, and improvisation while also working through a structured warm-up that teaches dance basics (i.e. positions of the feet, plie, tendu, etc.). Suitable for children ages 2 1/2-3 years, this class meets once per week. No previous experience is required.
Early Tumbling - An add-on class for students in Pre-Ballet A /Pre-Ballet B and/or Children's Beginning Ballet who want to explore the early stages of tumbling (i.e. forward rolls, handstands, cartwheels, etc.). Children will be on mats and spotted by a trained professional. Suitable for children ages 3-6 years, this class meets once per week.
Exploratory Division
Elective recreational classes for all students ages 8 - 18.
May be taken as stand-alone classes or paired with a ballet, or additional technique class.
In most cases, no prior dance experience is required to enroll.
Classes for Students 8-11
Recreational classes for the curious student that may be taken as stand-alone classes or paired with a ballet or additional technique class. No prior dance experience is required to enroll.
CHILDREN'S PREPARATORY BALLET – Appropriate for children ages 8-11. The class meets once weekly as a beginner for class children new to ballet, or for those who have experienced a lapse in ballet training.
CREATIVE DANCE I & II – A movement class designed to lead students through an exploration of free-flowing, lyrical movement. Students learn basic dance technique while developing their own choreography. The class aims to inspire students through the joy of dance. Appropriate for children ages 5 - 7; or 8 -11, receptively. This class meets once per week.
CHILDREN'S JAZZ/HIP-HOP - A popular, commercial-style dance class that infuses the latest styles of street jazz and popular music. Participants focus on choreography and are encouraged to take the accompanying hip-hop fundamentals class to take a deeper dive into the art form. This class is suitable for children ages 8-11; this class meets once per week.
TUMBLING & ACRODANCE CLINIC - Acro dance is a style of dance that combines classical dance technique with precision acrobatic elements. It is defined by its athletic character, its unique choreography, which seamlessly blends dance and acrobatics, and its use of acrobatics in a dance context. This is a clinic-style open class suitable for children ages 7-17; this class meets once per week.
MUSICAL THEATER - Dancers will learn the art of expression and embodiment of characters through dance. They will also receive instruction in acting skills, musicality, and learning/retaining musical theatre choreography.; this class meets once per week for students ages 10 - 17.
Classes for Students 12-18
Recreational classes for the curious student that may be taken as stand-alone classes or paired with a ballet or additional technique class. No prior dance experience is required to enroll.
TEEN PREPARATORY BALLET– An open-level beginner/refresher class for teens new to ballet or for those who have experienced a lapse in ballet training. Suitable for students ages 13 and above. The class meets once weekly.
TEEN HIP-HOP - A popular, commercial-style dance class that infuses the latest styles of street jazz and popular music. The class is suitable for dancers ages 12+ and above, this class meets once per week.
INTERMEDIATE TEEN TAP – Class designed to develop rhythm, style, and percussive sound in a fun setting. This class encourages proper technique that produces clear tap sounds. The class is suitable for dancers ages 12+ and above. Recommended one class per week. **At least one year of previous experience is required**.
A survey class with a focus on basic techniques from modern dance (i.e. the Horton technique used by Alvin Ailey, Martha Graham, Merce Cunningham), commercial dance (i.e. Janet Jackson, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, etc.), and improvisation styles. The combination of these styles is referred to as "Fusion", and is a part of the contemporary style of dance. Participants are encouraged to also take the appropriate ballet class as an accompanying class to ensure safe movement and proper technique.
TUMBLING & ACRODANCE CLINIC - Acro dance is a style of dance that combines classical dance technique with precision acrobatic elements. It is defined by its athletic character, its unique choreography, which seamlessly blends dance and acrobatics, and its use of acrobatics in a dance context. This is a clinic-style open class suitable for children ages 8-17; this class meets once per week.
Training Division: Primary
Classes for students ages 7- 11 by placement or invitation.
Students enrolled in the Primary Division are also eligible to audition for the appropriate CityDance, Inc. performance guild.
Ballet Classes
A classical performing art combining poses and steps with flowing movements.
BALLET LEVEL I – Dancers ages 7+ will begin to work through the class like professional dancers. The exercises are divided into two parts – those taken at the barre and those in the center. Required two classes per week. For CityDance Junior Company, enrollment in Jazz Technique I and Tap I is required.
BALLET LEVEL II– This level is for children ages 9 + who have accomplished the elements of Level I. Level II introduces more exercises at the barre and a larger vocabulary of movement in the center. Required two classes per week. For CityDance Junior Company, enrollment in Jazz Technique II and Tap II is required.
Technique Classes
Modern, Jazz, Tap, and Hip-Hop technique classes for the serious dance student that may be paired with one another, and/or a ballet class to enhance dancers’ strength, flexibility, and performance skills
JAZZ TECHNIQUE I – An introductory class that exposes young dancers to formal training in classical, contemporary, and street dance styles. The class provides a solid foundation for the developing dancer. Suitable for children ages 7+, this class meets once per week.
JAZZ TECHNIQUE II– Building on the skills from Jazz Technique I, this class introduces more core strength exercises and a larger technical vocabulary, including leaps and turns. Suitable for children ages 9+, this class meets once per week. Previous dance experience strongly recommended.
CHILDREN 'S TAP I, II, III – Classes are designed to develop rhythm, style, and percussive sound in a fun setting. This class encourages proper technique that produces clear tap sounds. Tap I, Tap II and III children's class is suitable for children ages 7-9 and 10+, respectively.
Training Division: Secondary
Classes for students ages 10-17 by placement or invitation.
Students enrolled in the Secondary Division are also eligible to audition for the appropriate CityDance, Inc. performance guild.
Ballet Classes
A classical performing art combining poses and steps with flowing movements.
BALLET LEVEL III – For students ages 11+ who have accomplished the elements of Level II, this class will introduce pirouettes and pre-pointe exercises and will develop the strength required for a more mature dance technique. Required two ballet classes per week, and enrollment in either one Modern and/or Contemporary Jazz class is required. Students are eligible to serve as an Apprentice or audition for CityDance Ensemble.
BALLET LEVEL IV– For students who have advanced in the elements of Level III including pre-pointe and are now en pointe. The curriculum requires the strength gained from more mature physical development and will progress towards more complex choreography and a substantial increase in pointe work. Required two classes per week, as well as the appropriate Modern and Contemporary Jazz classes. Students are eligible to audition for CityDance Ensemble.
BALLET LEVEL V (no sessions 2024-25)– Additional technique classes added to the Level IV curriculum and increased pointe work. Unlimited weekly classes are available from the Secondary and Adult schedules. Students are eligible to audition for CityDance Ensemble.
Technique Classes
Modern, Jazz, Tap and Hip-Hop technique classes for the serious dance student that may be paired with one another, and/or a ballet class to enhance dancers’ strength, flexibility and performance skills
BEGINNING/INTERMEDIATE MODERN DANCE – Using the Horton Technique of Modern dance this class develops the body as an instrument of strength, control, breath and flow. Students must be concurrently enrolled in Level II or Level III Ballet, Pre-Teen Ballet or Contemporary Jazz III.
INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED MODERN DANCE - – For students who have accomplished the elements of Beginning/Intermediate, this Horton Technique class will use more advanced modern dance elements and choreography. Students must be concurrently enrolled in Level III or IV Ballet, or Contemporary Jazz III/IV.
CONTEMPORARY JAZZ III -- A beginning/intermediate class designed to expose students to a broad range of jazz vocabulary and the contemporary concepts: improvisation and composition. The class increases technical awareness by focusing on strength, flexibility, agility, as well as acro dance elements. Concurrent enrollment in the Level III Ballet OR BEGINNING/INTERMEDIATE Modern or Teen/Preteen Preparatory Ballet is required. This class meets once per week.
CONTEMPORARY JAZZ IV -- For students who have accomplished the elements of Beg/Int Jazz, this class utilizes jazz dance vocabulary to deepen performance skills and expose developing dancers to choreography and choreographic process. Concurrent enrollment in the Level IV Ballet, INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED Modern AND Teen Ballet, or an approved Adult Program Class is required. This class meets once per week.