Dance Class Uniforms
Level A1, A
Pink Leotard, Pink Tights, Pink Skirt, Pink Ballet Shoes
Male identifying: Black shorts or dance pants, white shirt, black ballet slippers.
Level B/C
Pale Blue Leotard, Pink Tights, Pale Blue Skirt, Pink Ballet Shoes OR flesh tone tights with flesh tone shoes to match
Male identifying: Black shorts or dance pants, white shirt, black ballet slippers.
Ballet Add-ons: Early Tap/Early Tumbling
Please ensure that your ballet student has convertible tights to switch between the styles, as applicable.
Black tap shoes for tap. No shoes required for tumbling.
Early Creative Movement
Any color leotard. No shoes required, but flesh tone ballet shoes recommended for winter.
Male identifying: Black shorts or dance pants, white shirt. No shoes required.
Creative Dance I
Black leotard, black footless tights or black leggings. No shoes required.
Male identifying: Black shorts or dance pants, white shirt. No shoes required.
Ballet Level I
Lilac Leotard, Pink/ Flesh Convertible Tights (aka transition), Pink/Flesh-colored Ballet shoes
Male identifying: Black shorts or dance pants, white shirt, black ballet slippers.
Ballet Level II
Burgundy Leotard, Pink /Flesh Convertible Tights (aka transition), Pink/Flesh-colored Ballet shoes
Male identifying: Black shorts or dance pants, white shirt, black ballet slippers.
Ballet Level III A
Teal Leotard, Pink/ Flesh Convertible Tights (aka transition), Pink/Flesh-colored Ballet shoes
Ballet Level III B
Navy Leotard, Teal Leotard, Pink/ Flesh Convertible Tights (aka transition), Pink/Flesh-colored Ballet shoes
Ballet Level IV
Hunter Green Leotard, Teal Leotard, Pink/ Flesh Convertible Tights (aka transition), Pink/Flesh-colored Ballet shoes
NOTE: Pointe Shoes: (Should be requested by teacher only for Level III B, Level IV and Level V)
Male identifying for Secondary Division: Black shorts or dance pants, white shirt, black ballet slippers
Modern Dance - All Classes
For students enrolled in Primary or Secondary Ballet + a modern dance class:
Students should wear their ballet class leotard and convertible Pink or Flesh-colored tights.
***Modern dance is a genre of dance that is learned and performed barefoot***
For students enrolled only in Beg/Int Modern or Int/Adv Modern:
Students should wear a Black leotard and convertible Pink or Flesh-colored tights
All male identifying taking modern: Black shorts or dance pants, white shirt. No shoes required.
Jazz & Tap Technique - All classes
For students enrolled in Primary or Secondary Ballet + Jazz Technique and/or Tap:
Students may wear their ballet class leotards covered by black jazz shorts, jazz pants & black jazz shoes and/or black tap shoes
Male identifying: Black shorts or dance pants, white shirt & black jazz shoes and/or black tap shoes
For students enrolled only in Jazz Technique and/or Children's Preparatory Ballet and/or Modern Class
Students should wear a Black leotard and convertible Pink or Flesh-colored tights covered by black jazz shorts, jazz pants & black jazz shoes and/or black tap shoes
Male identifying: Black shorts or dance pants, white shirt & black jazz shoes and/or black tap shoes
Intermediate Teen Tap
Black camisole leotard or tank top with stretch pants or shorts (or class leotard) & black tap shoes
Male identifying: Black shorts or dance pants, white shirt & black tap shoes
Acro-dance & Tumbling Clinic
Black camisole leotard or tank top with stretch pants or shorts
***no shoes**
Male identifying: Black shorts or dance pants, white shirt
Creative Dance I, II
Black camisole leotard with stretch pants or jazz shorts
***Creative Dance, like Modern Dance, is a style that requires no shoes**
Male identifying: Black shorts or dance pants, white shirt
Teen Hip/Hop & Jazz Hip-Hop
Black sweatpants or other athletic pants; any color tank top (girls) or T-shirt (male identifying).
Tennis Shoes
Children's Ballet & Teen Ballet
Leotard: Black Camisole -all classes
Tights for Ballet: Convertible Pink or Flesh-colored
Shoes: Pink or Flesh -colored (Ballet)
Male Identifying: Black shorts or dance tights, white shirt, black ballet slippers (as applicable)
Teen Contemporary
For students enrolled in Teen Ballet:
Students should wear their ballet class leotard and convertible Pink or Flesh-colored tights.
***Modern dance is a genre of dance that is learned and performed barefoot***
For students enrolled only in Teen Contemporary:
Students should wear a Black leotard and convertible Pink or Flesh-colored tights
All male identifying taking contemporary: Black shorts or dance pants, white shirt. No shoes required.
Please visit one of our local partners for assistance:
Dance Fashions Warehouse
6142 Roswell Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30328
Hours: Monday – Saturday 10a – 6p
(404) 256-9739 https://
Ms. Ro's Dance Closet
3761 Main St, Atlanta, GA 30337
(404) 565-0487 https://
Dance Max
3016 Canton Rd, Marietta, GA 30066
(678) 401-5718
Pleasew note: POINTE SHOES (Should be requested by teacher ONLY; must be professionally fitted)